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photo by Danielle Hatcher

Katie loves family, friends and being outside. She is grateful daily for her health, family and two dogs. She is the mom of two teen boys.

Katie grew up in NC so will always be a southerner at heart. Her love of photography began in the dark room in high school. After college she and her roommate moved across the country to AZ to work as river guides on the Colorado River in Glen Canyon, which is a beautiful stretch of river just above the Grand Canyon. She moved up to river guiding in the Grand Canyon for several years where she met the love of her life.

Katie then became a newborn and family photographer in Flagstaff, AZ, where she and her husband are currently raising their two boys. Katie still does the occasional family session, as well as following her passion for landscape and food photography. She is currently studying nutrition at the Nutritional Therapy Association.


a bit more…

Katie’s two passions (besides family of course!) are photography and health. Stay tuned here for beautiful images of nature and food.

main loves:

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Katie’s interest in health began as a young woman and became a passion when she had kids and later began to have autoimmune issues. She is currently studying nutrition at the Nutritional Therapy Association.

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Katie’s love of landscape photography was a natural combo of her love of the outdoors and photography. She also happens to live in and near some of the most beautiful places ever!



“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more”
-Mother Teresa